Reached a super O few weeks ago. Now they’re not as intense anymore.

Hi all.

I’ve finally achieve a super O a few weeks ago. The orgasmS litteraly took my mind out of my body. And for each orgasm I could feel a build up of energy around my butt and pubic area. An incredible sensation.

The thing is, I don’t feel them anymore. I can steal have multiple orgasms (and boy do they feel good!). I can have around 10 in a row and orgasm for maybe 15 minutes non stop. But I don’t feel that buildup anymore nor do I feel my mind escaping my body.

Am I the only one who experienced this? Am I the only one who lost this ability? Are there people who found ways to get it back?

Thanks for your help!



  1. I used to have an orgasm so f ing strong it was verging on too much if you can believe it. I would thrash around like an exorcism was happening. Then, I would lay super still once it calmed down because the tiniest movement would send be back to the moon. I was taken back by how powerful it was. Suffice to say I was quite addicted to aneros time.

    Somehow the magic went away and I was only able to achieve mild p waves at best all the sudden. Frustration began to get the best of me and it exacerbated the problem. I really had to take a step back and get back to the very basics. Relaxation and rhythmic breathing. It’s better again, but still haven’t reached the same peaks as before.

    I don’t know how to solve this issue, but wanted to share my experience. I think I myself was doing it too much or something.

  2. You have over used your Aneros perhaps. You could have possibly short circuited your rewiring. From what I’ve read, most that lose the ability don’t usually get it back.

  3. No, you haven’t broken your “rewiring”.

    It’s likely psychological. When you do something for the first time, it has magic, it feels better. When you do it again, it doesn’t feel as amazing, think of it like the first heroin high.

    However, you can regain that magic you lost on your first Super-O by refraining from the use of the Aneros and especially from ejaculation/wanking for a while, and hoping you keep your techniques to achieve S-O.

  4. I had a super-O, followed by another super-O, followed by an orgasm that blew my head off, an experience I will never forget, all within a week of starting to use my Aneros about 18 months ago.

    Then I lost it completely, couldn’t even orgasm with it in any way for weeks. It was like losing access to the best drug in the world. I was eventually able to orgasm again but nothing like a super-O and never really got the ability back.

    I have come back to it after a long break of well over 6 months and had some quite good orgasms, perhaps verging on super-O but nothing like I remember before. So I feel as if I’m learning how to do it again from scratch but staying much more in control emotionally.

    I do feel as if I somehow fried my nervous system – the level of pleasure I experienced before was probably something I couldn’t really cope with and I shut down. Added to that the frustration and pain of not being able to get back to that level of sheer ecstacy no matter how hard I tried meant that I effectively locked myself out of the super-O.

    Having lost the desperation I had some time ago and taking a long break has helped greatly. I’m not back to where I was to start with but I think I will get there eventually and I have learnt a bit about myself along the way.

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