Just used Aneros for the first time (Helix Syn), and I have a couple questions

Hi everyone, so just earlier today I used my Aneros for the first time. It went about as I expected: I was comfortable with it in my body, but I didn’t really feel any pleasure. I know that’s normal for the first few times but I do have a few questions:

Firstly, how far is the device actually supposed to go in? I mean, the toy has [these 3 little bumps on it.](http://i.imgur.com/w4mR6HH.jpg) When I had inserted it what I believe to be all the way, the perineum tab was lightly pressing on the perineum and the device was in up to the narrow part between 2 and 3. Is the aneros supposed to be inserted all the way, past the 3rd bump, or did I have it right?

Secondly, the whole time, the toy felt a bit like it was starting to fall out. Once I had it inserted, laid down and started relaxing/lightly contracting, the toy felt like it was kind of wiggling its way out. So I would push it in a little bit and keep going and it would feel like it was coming out again. I should be clear that the toy never came out or really even came close to it, but it just felt like it was slowly becoming “dislodged” from where it was supposed to be or something. Has anyone else had that feeling?

Also, can the Aneros be used while sitting in a chair? I was lying down so I couldn’t really watch anything “stimulating”, if you know what I mean, so maybe that had something to do with the fact that I didn’t really feel much of anything? Not sure. I just don’t want to damage the toy or my prostate by sitting on the toy if you’re not supposed to sit on it.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/59ldgo/just_used_aneros_for_the_first_time_helix_syn_and/


  1. Maybe it varies from person to person, but mine feels like it comes out slightly on its own too. I would think it’s supposed to be inserted all the way past the third bump. Putting my legs together usually helps keep it in place and inserted all the way. I’ve sat on mine before. It feels good – but sometimes there is soreness from the P-tab being pushed into me too hard for too long. I’ve driven to go get food and back with it inserted. That was pretty exciting, walking into a public place with something pleasurable shoved in my ass. Anyway, just keep experimenting and researching. You’ll find what works best for you.

  2. You had it right, it goes in between bumps 2 and 3. That feeling of it popping out is the instability o think that makes it work so… normal.

    To watch something stimulating just lay on the bed and watch a tablet or laptop. Or you can use an audio from /r/gonewildaudio which is my favorite

  3. I just bought one and am looking forward to trying it out tonight. Any tips for a newbie?

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