“Surefire Precum Induction Meditation”

Well! Here is a surefire way to induce precum (at least for me!)

I awoke not too early (~4 AM) and decided to put-on my one-size-too-small tight gray boxers along with a safety towel. I lie-down and begin to surf. I am rock-hard like I took Viagra. I begin to surf and it feels so good! I feel like I am filling-up to the limit with semen and may be overflowing soon. And that is when I began to experience this unusual “meditation”. It is so simple yet it was very effective. Let me explain……

Now this may sound a little too simplistic, but here is what happened. Don’t ask me for any logic since there is none. I am carrying trays of water filled to the point of overflowing and I am trying to be extremely careful that I don’t spill any as I move them from one place to another. As hard as I try, I manage to spill some water on the ground. And as I continue, I also feel that I have spilled some fluid out of my cock as well. That is all I am concentrating on at the moment. After a while, the trays become glasses filled-to-the-brim. As I continue into this meditation, I feel a certain wetness beneath my boxers and quickly feel beneath my towel. OMG! The head of my penis feels wet! I quickly cover-up and continue the meditation…

Now here’s where things get a little weird. All of a sudden, the water “vessels” become very erotic. For example, I am carrying water in a large, distinctively-shaped penis glass with a small opening on the top. And a tray I am now carrying resembles a vagina. All the while, I am continue to lightly stroke-away my cock and I swear I am only a few strokes away from the PONR. There are other vessels now as well, and they are equally as erotic. So I decided to stop.


Now, this meditation session concluded with a most-unusual binaural beat that I discovered: “SEXUAL PENETRATION – Audio Stimulation With Intense Isochronic Tones + Pulses + Binaural Beats”. It was only 10 minutes long but, man, was it efffective. I honestly felt my cock penetrating and thrusting into a slippery opening and then it stayed there for a while as the beat slowed-down. Then the beat changed again and became faster and I felt my cock thrusting again. I felt my prostate starting to pump, I was beginning to contract my PC muscles and felt extremely close to the PONR. I didn’t know it at the time but the track was set to automatically “loop” so I could easily have gone-off with this one. Since I don’t want to ejaculate yet, I decided to call-it-a-night. It is now 6 AM and I am ready for the day.


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/surefire-precum-induction-meditation/