Is aneros prostate massager breaking my ability to have erections?

I’ve been using an aneros for about 4 months. I use it every other day for about 20-60 minutes at a time. I really enjoy it.

However, I have noticed that the frequency of erections has gone way down over this time. I can still get one while using the device or if I watch porn. But even with porn, my dick feels almost hesitant about getting erect.

I feel like my sexual response has re-wired to move to my prostate instead of my penis. I guess I’m OK with that as long as I don’t LOSE my ability to have erections if I want one?

I’m not sure what to do, I’m kind of terrified. But, also do not want to stop using the aneros because it’s amazing.



  1. I feel you on this. I had a similar experience. Thing is, you’ll spend like an hour or more aneros-ing and you never would have regularly jacked it that long before.

    Try two things once in a while. Try to get a boner just by closing your eyes and fantasizing, no porn whatsoever. Touch yourself, but imagination ONLY!

    Then, try to pop a hard on by viewing still pictures like /r/gonewild with NO touching. I like gone wild because it’s real woman, so it keeps my expectations realistic more or less. They are beautiful girls, but not porn star perfect, ya know? This is a good exercise to get your brain-boner connection working again.

    It is honestly true what your experiencing and not often discussed. I feared I had re wired myself to only enjoy prostate stimulation forever too. Then when I was with the wife I would really get in my head and only make it worse. Good news is that it’s very reversible and you should be way better at lasting longer and have more control too. Hope this helps.

  2. Hey.

    It is very unlikely the aneros is destroying your ability to get erections. Simply you do not find normal sex as interesting as you know prostate stimulation is much more pleasurable.

    Soon you will realise that combining the two will be even better. And if you rewire yourself, especially if you learn to do it aneros-less, you will have a great time when you have sex with a girl and at the same time contract your PC/etc to feel prostate pleasure.

    You won’t have trouble with erections, if you do, it would be psychological (not physical), and hence easily reversible by simply not using the aneros for a few days. It happens to all of us, when you feel a super-O you become sometimes disinterested in normal orgasms because they’re so small as a comparison.

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