The Case of the Phantom Progasm

After dabbling with the Helix Syn for a while I decided that it was time to move on to something more hassle-free. The Helix Syn wasn’t exactly easy to clean and the first time it had already picked up a smell. This despite several thorough washings. A quick search on the internet confirmed my suspicions. This had something to do with the texture of the knob.

Condoms proved a solution, but as I was a beginner (a total of ten uses of the Syn), I figured that I was missing out on something good. One of the condoms also left a peculiar sensation behind, possibly due to the silicon lubricant used. I determined fairly quickly that the pay-off wasn’t worth the hassle.

But I was still curious and I kind of wanted to know if I could fit something larger in my behind. Haha. The Syn was my only anal toy up until then, with otherwise zero experience under my belt. After some more research, it was either the original helix or the progasm that would remain scentless after a thorough washing.

The progasm proved to be too alluring. Got it on a deal and a week later it arrived in the mail. When I finally mustered up the courage (another week) to shove that large thing up my ass it slipped in rather easily, much to my surprise. It took perhaps two minutes of gentle massaging and working some more lube inside until it slid right in. Plop, there it was.

After 15 minutes it quickly became clear why it was called the ‘progasm’. It would otherwise take me an hour or more to get this kind of sensation out of the Syn. My original intent of buying the Syn was to get a handsfree orgasm, but this was quite something else. I still tried to reach a plateau of some sort using breathing exercises/kegels, but I figured that was enough for my first time. The following orgasm was quite intense and left me giddy for a while. Like a full body relaxation type of experience.

For several days afterwards I still felt my prostate. It was slightly unsettling. But five days later I decided to try again. It was once again a brief session, but this time I focused more on my breathing, and occasionally combined it with kegel exercises. For some reason I didn’t have the patience for a session of two hours or more, like with the Syn. Perhaps because the sensations came too easily and I was fearful of what may come next. The orgasm was once again significantly more intense. But also different. Like it had begun to change and started to leech into my prostate.

The third time with the progasm was the worst. Three days later I still feel that thing inside my ass. I had used a new relaxation technique that I discovered days earlier – being inspired by what the progasm did to me. I would let a part of my body relax until the very cusp and then I would seek to let go completely through a sort of miniature implosion, reaching a second level of relaxation. And I would sync this mental technique with my breathing. It already felt good without the progasm, but using it while it was inside …

I began to leak pre-cum within five minutes. Not the droplet sort, but the honey-dripping sort. It felt like I was on the precipice of a feverish headache. I didn’t use a single kegel contraction. I only needed to use my breathing and visualization technique. After fifteen minutes I decided to call it quits, because my stomach started to rumble. I didn’t eat enough apparently.

When I finished off with an orgasm my prostate started to burn afterwards. Like the tip of the progasm was buried in this tiny patch of burning embers inside my ass. It was pleasurable, but also quite different in sensation. At this point I was lying on my back with my legs stretched and decided to let it sit there for thirty seconds or so until I figured it would probably be better to pull it out immediately.

Several days after, the sensations in my ass have yet to completely subside. When I direct my attention on my ass, everything lights up again. It’s worse when I use the relaxation technique. Like it’s still inside pressing on my prostate.

Two days after the progasm session, I woke up in the middle of the night and needed to jerk off. I couldn’t resist and used the relaxation technique on my ass. My entire jerking off experience changed. And the orgasm was like I came inside my ass. As if all the different sensations have fused into one and there was this bridge of ecstasy running from my dick, across my perineum straight into my prostate. It felt extremely good, but was also decidedly unsettling.

I came upon the realization that this might not be entirely medically sound to pursue further. How healthy is this prostate stimulation anyway? I still feel it there.

TL;DR: inexperienced Syn user switched to Progasm and is wondering if this is entirely healthy.



  1. I’m a semi regular used of a syn and a Progasm. I tend to use the syn more frequently as it’s easier to get in and as it is smaller it tends to move around more and give me a more enjoyable orgasm.

    The Progasm fills me deeper and I can’t use it for as long. I feel more deeply relaxed afterwards compared to the syn.

    I have had one experience where the the Progasm pushed out precum and assume that it is was because the prostate was enlarged from stimulation with an aneros the day before or maybe my pelvic floor was too tight.

    I think that the after sensations come from the prostate stim and also an I iguales awakening associated with changes to your bodies nervous system through using aneros.

    Maybe go small for a while or try the Progasm Jr. what height are you?

  2. I’m confused by your post. I assume when you refer to orgasm you’re meaning a traditional orgasm? It’s important to specify as many people using the aneros are going for hands free / no penile stimulation based orgasms. One thing I’ve noticed about myself is that having a traditional orgasm with the aneros in can sometimes be too much on my prostate, sure it feels good but it almost overpowers some of the good feelings. I can only imagine how much more it may be magnified with something as large as the Progasm. Additionally I’m not sure why you would be so upset at the changes you’re experiencing. This is what an aneros does, it opens up your awareness of the prostate, you’re feeling something you otherwise never payed attention to. If it’s not something you enjoy then you should stop using the toy. I know many people would happily change places with you, but I suppose that’s a personal decision.

  3. Not to alarm you but…you could have the beginnings of Kundalini Syndrome. I used to chat with an Aneros user awhile back and he developed it. He was in a constant state of orgasm for about 2-3 weeks. He was almost unable to sleep. I have read of others that had to seek medical attention, and were almost unable to function in their day to day lives. This topic is a bit hush-hush in the Aneros world. The Aneros opens the Muladhara Chakra in some.

    IMO, prostate stimulation is not dangerous (unless one has an unhealthy prostate). Most are not mindful of their Aneros use. All they are concerned about is this O, that O, mini O, p-wave, tidal wave, tsunami, or whatever. All they want to do cum, cum, and cum some more. They then become addicted, reach a plateau, and have dud sessions. IMO, you should limit your sessions, and possibly take some time away from your Aneros.

  4. One thing to note, only use silicone lube with bare skin, metal, or glass toys. Using it with condoms or silicone toys can cause the toys/condoms to break down, in those cases use a water based lube.

    In my experience everyone should just default to water based lube unless you specifically need something that doesn’t need to be reapplied as often. I just got an njoy pure plug and that’s the only toy I have that I use silicone lube with

  5. First, please disregard all comments telling you Kundalini Syndrome and shit. That is about Chakras, complete pseudoscience and untrue.

    If you really want an answer read this (although it’s just my opinion):

    **On achieving Super-O**:

    1. **Fact:** The first times you use Aneros or experiment with anal sex, are usually disappointing, often annoying, often even a bit painful. This is akin to Anal sex. The first times you have anal sex, it is often more painful and less pleasurable than it will be in the future. This is completely normal. My first times left me without wanting to do it again, for a year I didn’t do it, thinking even that maybe the Super-O was all marketing. It was when I matured and I picked it up a year later that I started to understand.

    2. **Achieving Prostate Orgasms requires time and dedication, but is extremely rewarding**: This will depend on the person, but everyone will need to start “awakening” itself to anal pleasure. This is a fact. And the majority of this awakening comes with relaxation and with dropping all conceptions of what pleasure can be. The reward is incredible, and when you achieve it you won’t regret it.


    **On your pain:**

    There isn’t much research about prostate massaging. However, the dangers of overuse are the muuuuch lower than with over-doing anal sex (and I’d even say vaginal sex): tearing of walls, hemorrhage, etc.

    It is 99% that you are OK. Nothing wrong is happening in your prostate, you haven’t killed it, no, you won’t die. Moderate (and I’d say even very regular) prostate stimulation with the aneros is medically safe. There have been hundreds of thousands of people using the aneros, no one (to my knowledge) has developed any kind of prostatitis/enlarged prostate with moderate use, you won’t be the first. In fact the consensus/research shows that aneros use is good to prevent those two.

    *What likely is happening to you*:

    When you use Aneros, especially when you over-use it, you use your muscles, don’t you? Now what happens when you exercise your muscles in any exercise? For the next 3-4 days your muscles are cramped, stiff, hurt a bit. Combine this with the fact that now your prostate is incredibly more sensitive, so you are naturally focusing on that area, likely overworrying and unconsciously moving those muscles, on top of sitting on hard-chairs which stimulate your prostate too when it needs rest, making your area feel a bit more sore, and that explains your worries about you thinking that you’ve fucked something up.

    I say this because it has happened to me, I thought I had caused myself prostatitis or enlarged prostate. I stupidly kept using it every 3 days, thinking whoah pain doesn’t go away. Well, wait 7 days, and your pain will be gone and you’ll be fine.

    When you first start at the gym, you first get muscle stiffness/pain the next 3 days. The more you exercise, the less muscle stiffness/pain you’ll experience, because your muscles are more developed now. If you do not wait and let your muscles recover, you will make them more sore.


    You would know if you had acute prostatitis. It would be painful, you’d have pain peeing, you’d have trouble starting your urine flow, you’d feel feverish (prostatitis).


    **Conclusion:** Chill out, you’re fine, your prostate is fine, there is no one in the world who has damaged his prostate with 3 insertions of a NON-moving device in his anus. Dude, millions of people put DICKS in their ass every day, which are much bigger than the aneros, and move in and out, making even more sore. The aneros doesn’t even move in and out inside you.

    So chill out, wait 7 days, try it again WITHOUT expectations. If you really want assurance that prostate pleasure exists, in order to feel hopeful, smoke weed before your next session (no alcohol/benzos).

    No one says this around this forum, but anyone that has tried acid and the aneros will tell you that it guarantees you a Super-O. So that’s another thing to consider.

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