All of us healthy males (babies included!) have night-time erections every night (without exception) which are pretty strong and can last in excess of 30 minutes. I read that the average male experiences about 3-5 erections per night, some men more. Now we are not aware of all of them, but lately I have been awakened by some of them (usually in the morning). it is difficult to get back to sleep with one of these, so lately, I have been retreating to another room with a sofa and just chilling, usually with some relaxing or stimulating music.
This morning, I did the usual routine, but while doing some light kegels, I distinctly felt my prostate starting to quiver. After about an hour and a half, I had my fill of music and decided to just continue to chill without any sounds. What happened next kind of blew me away! I began to dwell on the complete silence of my body, but then felt something unusual. It was my prostate trying to tell me that it was alive and well within me! The more I dwelt (actually meditated) on it, the more I felt it. I didn’t have to perform many kegels to “prime the pump” so to speak. With every new movement and position of my body, I felt those quivers now grow stronger. And they became so strong that I felt my whole body start to quiver, almost (but not quite) like a Super-O!
I decided to go back to my bed and, with prostate still quivering, I felt that it needed some “company” in there. So I lubed-up my set of silicone anal beads and before long, felt the satisfying pleasure of anal fullness. Usually, this helps to settle the prostate down; sure enough, it did! I am in a new Day 5 of SR.
PS I have found that eating fresh pomegranates is very beneficial to these erections since it acts like natural testosterone booster. I have had some for the last four days. I will take a break today and will see if there is any effect later on tonight.