violent shake

So I had this experience I thought I’d share. I usually watch porn while trying hard to relax, back to the floor knees up position and got kind of tired doing that for awhile. I kind of feel like keeping my legs up tires me out and hinders the relaxation part.

But I lay down on my stomach with one leg up and relaxed again. I was trying different things like concentrating on the feeling, but ended up getting tired. when my mind started wandering off and I started to think of things totally unrelated to what was going on. I think as soon as my mind was in another place I had this violent sudden shake in my hips, which lasted for a quick 2-3 seconds. It literally felt like someone went through my body and grabbed my prostate + everything around it and shook it violently. I think when I realized what happened I tried to get ahold of it, then lost it….but it felt amazing and kept trying to chase that feeling again to no avail. anyway thought I’d share my experience so far (its been about a year and a half since I started). Just when you think you’re there, you experience new things.


1 comment

  1. >I had this violent sudden shake in my hips

    Yeah. It all started with the hips shaking. Then your entire body will start shaking like a seizure.

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