Well Guys…

After much deliberation and talking with all of the helpful guys here, I have taken the plunge and bought myself an Aneros Helix. It will be here Monday or Tuesday.

I still haven’t figured out where to hide it yet, but it’s coming (and hopefully I will too).

Thank you everyone for your help and input. I now have ideas for future purchases when I don’t have to hide things as much. Once again, thank you all. Updates to come, hopefully sooner than later.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/5mdzo2/well_guys/


  1. I’m always afraid of my parents finding out the toys… It’s a horrible feeling. But it’s worse to buy one and they picking it up at the door… I’ve had to quite work around so that didn’t happen xD
    Good luck in your journey!

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