
For anyone who recently read my [Progasm JR Review] (https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/5n50o4/progasm_jr_junior_review/), i edited my original post with an update. I’m really starting to like it!!!

Now let’s talk about the Progasm Ice. For anyone who’s wondering, it’s the same size as the Progasm Classic. However the Progasm Ice is made of ABS plastic (similar to Progasm JR) and it’s smoother than the Classic.

Fast forward to my session. With a lot of lube and some slow relaxing breaths, i put that thing in place relatively easily. Unexperienced users, might have a lot of trouble however!

The initial sensation was very pleasing and full-filling! This thing fit inside my ass like a jigsaw puzzle! My cock become immediately hard and it started oozing precum like crazy… and whenever i was contracting my PC and anal muscles, my cock was bouncing like a hammer! When i started playing with my nipples, my whole body was shaking and i could feel waves of pleasure everywhere! Alhough i didn’t keep time… i believe i had at least 3 mini-orgasms in less than 30 minutes.

Quickly after that, my prostate felt VERY overwhelmed. The pleasurable sensations were replaced with “sharp” (almost painful) sensations. I knew right then i had to take a step back, relax and then take it out.

Bottom line… the Progasm Ice is a great massager, but it needs to be used gently!

For the time being i’m planning on:

* Using only the Progasm JR for prolonged sessions
* Avoid doing Kegels while using the Progasm Ice

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/5o3lb5/progasmicereview/


  1. Awesome! I too have the program ice, but I mainly use my classic Helix. Every time I use my Progasm, i start to become unable to retain it inside after 15 minutes or so. Maybe I am a bit smaller there than most or maybe I haven’t strengthened my core pc muscles enough–The Helix fits me as well like a puzzle piece though.

  2. I usually switch around but gravitate towards my Progasm Ice in nearly every session. I’ve gone 3 hours with it, if you don’t hammer yourself too hard and relax as much as possible there is nothing that has ever felt better in my opinion.

  3. Been playing with aneros for about 3 years. I’m over 6 feet tall but that doesn’t really matter for butt play as much as you might think. If you’re struggling with it being in for 30 minutes I would say use more lube, and don’t hammer it hard but try to breathe and relax into it. The Progasm doesn’t need a ton of pressure to do its thing and it’s so slippery that it moves around as soon as your pc muscles start to flutter. I’ll also say I don’t have sessions without pot, I highly recommend it for helping you relax and enjoy new sensations.

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