Requesting side by side picture of Progasm Classic and Progasm Ice

On the Aneros website, if you look at the specs of both Progasm Classic and Ice model, you get a different measurement for the tip.
Classic: 1 15/16 inches
Ice: 3/4 inches

Is there really a 1 1/4 inch difference between the two models? That sounds crazy. If any has both and would be nice enough to post a picture in a reply with the 2 models side by side, that would be greatly appreciated. Maybe there is a typo on their website?



  1. I can’t give you a side by side shot since my Program (now classic) is long gone.. myProgasm Iceis identical in size and shape to that original model in every way though.

  2. > Classic: 1 15/16 inches.

    Dozens of people have mailed them about this… and they still haven’t corrected it.

    And the specs of Progasm Jr. are also completely wrong! It’s smaller than the Progasm in any way… yet the website has the exact same measurements.

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