Reoccurring problem

I first picked up an Aneros (SGX) quite a few years back. Prior to it I had only vaguely experimented with anal masturbation (fingers). It took a few sessions, but I soon began to easily find pleasant sensations. After a while I also started occasionally using a buttplug, then after a year or so I picked up a Helix (I think these were relatively new at the time). I have found there to be little personal difference between using the SGX and the Helix and tend to use whichever I happen to grab.

I admit, I do not use them super-regularly (not weekly, at least), but I always have the same problem with the Aneros. I lube up, insert and very quickly find pleasant sensations. After a few minutes of contractions, the prostate ‘heats up’ (best way I can explain the sensation, which is very pleasant). This lasts for several minutes (perhaps 5-7) before I suddenly lose all sensation of the prostate. No matter how much longer I try, or what I try, I no longer feel a thing. I have had exactly the same effect with every position I try (some positions are more pleasant while things last, so I stick with them).

At this point, I usually give up and return to penile masturbation, with the Aneros inserted, and always have a better-than-average orgasm. When I orgasm, I am very conscious of the involuntary spasms causing the Aneros to massage the prostate (and feel the Aneros on the prostate!), so obviously everything is working from a mechanical perspective.

Does anyone have any idea what is happening here? Is this possibly something I could be doing wrong, or perhaps I just have the wrong kind of Aneros for my body?



  1. Happens to me too. Usually because I’m using my prostate more than a few times a week. It’s like I’m ready to go from a prostatic standpoint, but my mind is blocking me. Take some time off, like a week or two, and maybe masturbate normally a couple times, and go back to the aneros after.

  2. So it sounds like you’re on the right track. One problem I see is that you give up and return to penile masturbation at some point every session. Try to forego the ejaculations and any penile stimulation for a few sessions in a row.

    This is how I had my first major breakthrough and it’s been awesome ever since. Depending on how long it takes for you to stop feeling your prostate sensations go for approximately a 30-45 min session. Then, just take your Aneros out without masturbation at the end. If you can handle it, do this process every other day (M W F) for three consecutive sessions to build the arousal. Abstain from ejaculation this whole time and see if this breaks you over the wall.

    One thing I can guarantee is that your anticipation will go through the roof and you’ll at least notice some new sensations. Good luck!

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