Rewiring update? What happened to me?

2 days ago, i had a 1,5h session with the Progasm Ice and although i didn’t get strong sensations from my prostate… i think i somehow awakened my spine, or my Kundalini, or my Chakras or whatever those things are called.

During every involuntary contraction, i was feeling a pleasurable sensation… like an electric current running from my anus, to my tailbone and lower back… and at the same time i was feeling an intense warm sensation below my chest. It built up slowly (like i was getting fucked sensually), and it resulted in a full-body orgasm which lasted for 3-5 minutes.

When it ended, i wasn’t drained. It felt like i was floating peacefully.

2 days later, my spine is still tingling when i’m sitting down or lying down. It’s not distracting, neither i’m freaked out. On the contrary, i like exploring new things and new sensations, but this one i can’t quite understand it.


1 comment

  1. Welcome to the ride! Since starting my Aneros use, I can always notice/feel my prostate now no matter what, peeing can actually be sexually pleasurable sometimes, and my nipples went from a completely dead zone to me almost being able to cum from nipple stimulation alone.

    Once you open the door, it is like your body awakens to all sorts of new stimuli and sensations. And it’s just awesome! Sounds like you’re well on your way! I totally agree about the “not drained, but floating” feeling. Just floating on a cloud of pleasure. I love it!

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