The Journey Begins!

So my first aneros was supposed to come in the mail Wednesday. All day at university I was impatient, because I had abstained from getting off (just a day, but it was one of those days when temptation was really distracting). I was done with classes relatively early in the afternoon, and was excited because I knew I would have the apartment to myself all evening.

Silly me for thinking anything from USPS ever arrived on the tracking date in this damned town.

When it became clear the package wasn’t coming, I went ahead and got off the old primitive way.

The next day, about an hour before I had to leave for school, and while my roommate was in the shower, I got a text notification saying the package had arrived, and so I stealthily went to our mailboxes and picked it up. Back inside, I opened it as quickly and quietly as I could, and my roommate came out asking where I had gone, since he heard me going in and out.

I, the worst liar ever, looked suspicious and said: “I NEEDED SOMETHING FROM MY CAR.” I had hidden the package before he walked in the room and so I don’t know what exactly I would have said I needed if he had asked. But he didn’t press me.

I had read that relaxation and not feeling rushed were fairly essential to having a good session, especially for beginners, so I knew I shouldn’t try in the hour before I had to leave, but I was too excited so–instead of taking a shower–I lubed it up, slipped it in (I’ve had other butt toys and used to jam whatever I could find up there as a teenager, so insertion is… second nature for me), and got into the bathtub.

The sensations were very mild. Honestly, I was mostly just excited finally to have it and to have it inside me. I got horny briefly, then settled down, and not much happened in the half hour before I decided to dress and get ready for school, knowing I could spend more time with it in the evening.

When I got home from an excruciatingly boring day, during which I feared my prostate itself might start shouting in class out of excitement, I locked myself in my room, slipped it back in, and got ready to have a grand old time. I thought I might progress rather quickly since I’m used to prostate stimulation and have gotten myself maddeningly close to orgasm by going to town on myself with dildos many times before.

The session was a slight disappointment, but I still had a decent time. The problem was, I think, that when I detected even a flicker of sensation, I’d chase it away, not by clenching or contracting, but simply by psyching myself out. It’s like I’d feel the slightest sensation and then immediately get too mentally excited like a dog whose ball is about to be thrown: THAT’S MY PROSTATE HOLY SHIT I HAVE A PROSTATE WOW I’M REALLY GOING TO BE SHAKING AND FROTHING AT THE MOUTH ANY SECOND NOW I JUST KNOW IT.

And then I’d feel nothing.

All in all, I think I actually left it in for like an hour and a half. During that time, I tried having sexy thoughts and I read some naughty stories, but I seem to have a hard time focusing on exciting thoughts and the subtle sensations at the same time.

All of which leads me to a few questions:

Do you have to be actively turned on when you start a session (like already have an erection), or is it adequate merely to be in the state of mind where you’re not quite turned on, but sex still seems like a pleasant way to kill the time? Do you focus more on the sensations, or do you focus more on having sexy thoughts and let your mind wander away from the fact you put technology in your ass?

I wouldn’t say I got frustrated; I have done my homework and know it may be some time before anything really earth-shaking happens.

But I am a little overzealous. It’s been less than twenty-four hours since it arrived, and for the third time, I find myself with a little window of time I might put to good use…



  1. be patient, young jedi

    >Do you have to be actively turned on when you start a session (like already have an erection)

    absolutely not

    very most important rule, dont touch your penis during prostate playing, even try for a few days not to stroke the classic way, try to keep your sexual energy for the prostate play, with my experience it is much more stronger that way

    >Do you focus more on the sensations, or do you focus more on having sexy thoughts and let your mind wander away from the fact you put technology in your ass

    focus on what you are feeling in the moment, on what you are doing because prostate play it isnt passive butt plug, it is active plays.
    On your back, with you legs spreaded more or less, try to hit the spot (the prostate), slowly then more speed, harder, more softly, it is all about making love to yourself, your feminine part, let her take the commands, your ass belongs to the prostate massager and you want to feel as much pleasure as possible, move your ass, try different positions, even sit in your bed (one of my favorite), spread more your legs, higher then lower, be active, be hot, try to stroke you body, some like it this way, some not (but never the penis, dont forget)
    it is all about making love to yourself

    and my friend, there are no limits, just be carefull with your roomates because you are going to be very loud once aroused

    dont forget also there is this rewiring period at the beginning,
    it can last a few minutes, a few days or even never occur, it all depends how you let yourself relax, let the feminine side inside you take the commands

  2. This is going to be completely different from pounding yourself with a dildo. I made the mistake to thinking the two should be used the same way at first.

    With an Aneros, the feelings are very subtle compared to a dildo. Like bzoler said, you really need to quiet your mind, like you’re meditating, and concentrate on tiny, little feelings. An Aneros will never make you feel like you’re riding a bucking bronco like a dildo will.

  3. I know this is 2 weeks old, but I just want to chimr in that I was in the same boat: No stranger to anal play, but psyching myself up too much in my earlier sessions. There are LOADS of guides on using the Aneros, but I didn’t start making real headway until I stoppes trying for anything, and just tried to relax. I stopped making conscious contractions, and just enjoyed the feelings while letting my body react naturally.

    This has led me from feeling OK during sessions, to having minor pwaves within minutes, sometimes seconds, of putting it in. I also switched from laying on my back, as I had read, to laying on my side. And being very deliberate in how I insert it.

    All that to say: listen to your body, relax and let it respond. Dont anticipate, just enjoy it! I will actually sometimea say that out lpud before a session: “I am just going to enjoy myself”. Its like Im laying down for a cuddle, not for sex!

    Anyways, I hope the two weeks since this post have found you progressing! Best of luck!

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