I came so hard that I cried

I had my first super-o last night. It turns out that I have been confusing p-waves for super-os. I’ve abstained from ejaculation for the past week and I’ve had 3 sessions. Last night I got home from a great workout and that’s when my pre-workout decided to kick in for some reason. I think it’s because I had a big meal before I drank it. It has a lot of caffeine and the buzzing I felt in my head seemed to help along the p-waves which seemed to last most of the session. This was my first time using the regular Helix. I have the Syn, but it doesn’t work as well as hard plastic.

During some strong p-waves I suddenly began to super-o and I have to say it was the most incredible thing I’ve ever felt! I’m not sure if it lasted 30 seconds or 3 minutes but it seemed to go on for awhile. I would say it felt as strong or stronger than a penile orgasm but I could feel it all over my body. Part way through I started to cry and it seemed like each sob made the pleasure stronger. I was blissing out hard.

I had some other interesting new experiences last session. Normally my p-waves are preceded by getting a tingling sensation in my groin area that makes me rock hard. This time, however, the p-waves started out low-key and got better and better. I also did not leak nearly as much precum as I normally do. I wasn’t hard nearly as much either. Another thing was that I felt a new kind of p-wave that feels like shivers. I could trigger them by touching my skin gently.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/5ysray/i_came_so_hard_that_i_cried/


  1. Going by this information, do you think that consuming something like half a caffeine pill before a session would be beneficial?

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