Reaching a Super O with ADD/ADHD

Hello there guys I have a question for you.
As the title suggest I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has experienced a Super O before with ADD/ADHD.
I myself have ADD and I know it is extremely difficult for me to completely release my mind of any other thoughts while trying to relax. As I read before relaxation is one of the most important parts of reaching a Super O. What some people with ADD/ADHD have though is a hyper focus mode, where they can focus on one specific thing if they are really into it. I think I am able to do that during regular masturbation. I am considering buying a prostate massager and I would like to reach a Super O with it. Maybe this is a silly question but before I would buy one I was just curious if anyone has any experience with trying to reach a Super O with the complications of ADD/ADHD.



  1. try it, I dont see why you shoudnt be able to have pleasure with it
    if you have some patience.
    Dont expect to much too soon, dont expect to reach a super O the first day…
    For some it takes years, for others months, for some days,
    some never reach it.
    But all, I can assure you, can have a lot of pleasure,
    a lot more than they were expecting
    because it is always better than you can imagine

    but you have to learn and be patient
    then it will come

  2. I have not been diagnosed with anything be every school report had “daydream” somewhere in them and I still lose focus easily (41yo now). I’ve been using aneros for years and it was frustrating at first – I got nothing. Then I tried listening to some meditation ( and tons of other) before. And then…well my mind was not just focused but blown. A couple of times my neighbours have been banging on the walls because of my rather raucous sessions. Definitely worth the patience.

    I use white noise too – focus on it and it really seems to help me.

  3. The mind can be trained to an extent through exercises in focus; we have some research showing changes in brain structure through things like meditation.

    Maybe an exciting possibility here is that using the aneros would help strengthen your focus more generally?

  4. I have ADHD and I’ve been trying off and on for a few years. I’ve had some good sessions but no super O.

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