1. never tried one
    but of what is written here and there,
    it is more about anal play than prostate massage

    actually, it would be interesting to have the testimonial
    of somebody owning one and using it regularly

  2. The Peridise was originally called the “Peristal” and was designed by Aneros’ parent company, High Island Health, as a hemorrhoid massager. See their web page here: [Peristal]( http://www.highisland.com/hemorrhoid-massage-treatment/). Click the links on the left for descriptions, instructions, etc.

    They’re designed to shrink/prevent hemorrhoids by inducing rectal peristalsis, which improves blood circulation and pelvic muscle strength. Peristalsis attempts to eject the device, which is then opposed by your sphincter’s efforts to retain it. So it sets up opposing muscular “pushes”, inducing a powerful spasm which feels awesome! I call these as “Anal-Os”, as distinguished from the Super-O that you get with a prostate massager. So while they are “medical devices” like the p-massagers, you get the side benefit too. :-D.

    There is a bit of a learning curve, but not nearly so steep as with a p-massager. Start out with the bigger one (counter-intuitive I know, but true) until you get the hang of it and build up some strength before moving on to the smaller one. Like Super-Os, Anal-Os can last as long as your stamina holds out, with multiple Os in a session. These work for me even when I’m not quite as horny as would be required to achieve a Super-O. Two other indirect benefits for Super-Os I’ll mention is :
    * by engaging different muscles, it increases your awareness of how the pelvic floor muscles all work together, which in turn helps with rewiring and learning control.
    * it improves your muscle tone and strength – which increases your stamina for longer and more intense Super-Os.

    All good!
    (edit: clarification, spelling)

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