“BPH Is Knocking On My Door Again”

Since giving up my regular Aneros sessions months ago, I now notice that I have regained some BPH symptoms. They are more annoying than anything: i.e., several more night-time trips to the bathroom, etc. To help alleviate the symptoms, as I did before with Aneros, I have ordered from High Island Health their “new” 950 prostate massager and will begin to use it regularly. This should help.

Since I have embarked on SR and now male chastity, I’m sure that the reduced activity level of my prostate is contributing to the BPH symptoms. On the upside, however, I have never been more horny!


PS My wife should not have any objections as this is purely a “medical” decision. It’s either prostate massage or future visits to the urologist!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/bph-is-knocking-at-my-door-again/