“A New Take On Male Chastity”

After sleeping in my “male chastity cup” for over a week, I was “allowed” to switch this early AM to a regular jockstrap. At the same time, I did a prostate health “session” with the HIH 950. It was truly a mind-blowing experience. I ended it at about 30 minutes but could have gone further. After that, I retired to the couch where I listened to some amazing tracks, just chilling. During the last part before it was time to awaken, I developed an intense “morning erection” and was astounded at the sensitivity of my penis, especially near the head.


Fast-forward a little bit. As I type this, I am still wearing my jock and am still getting an intensely arousing sensation from my package. I have felt this before when “let out of chastity”. This feeling is like a horniness, only much more so. As I casually stroke and caress my bulge through the jock, I distinctly feel the need and the imminent discharge of an ejaculation. It is as if my cock knows that it will soon enough be locked-up again and wants to take full advantage of the situation! I am currently in Day 8 of SR. It takes a lot of willpower to say “no” to this feeling. But I did and things are now settling-down.

PS One thing I notice right away since using the HIH 950 is that my tendency to develop “blue balls” seems to have gone away!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/a-new-take-on-male-chastity/