Day 41 of 2nd SR-Challenge: Ending with SR by cumming from old fashioned masturbation

After day 40 showed up with a second time of leaking semen, I decided to clean the pipes. Yesterday evening having some time for myself I lay down on bed and surrendered to Aless. From the first second wonderful strong involuntaries struck me and initiated an horny autofuck mode with multiple orgasms for more than an hour, leading towards two nice super-Os bathing myself heckling, squiggling, moaning, thrusting and twitching in pure bliss. Though leaking lots of precum I felt quite too far away from an HFWO. Running out of time I turned on my back and switched to masturbation. Accompanied by involuntaries I shortly afterwards shot a big load with strong convulsions and about seven squirts pasting my chest with spunk. The strength of the orgasm however was quite disappointing, while the involuntaries didn’t stop, pumping up last drops of what seemed to be clear precum. Though my penis became flaccid short after ejaculation, the refractory period didn’t begin, instead I could have switched back to Aless as if the ejaculation would not have taken place, if only having had more time.

Due to a comment of GGringo I, too, will for now stop counting days of SR.

For me, I continue but I stopped counting; the results are positive and I’m under no pressure to beat my record. When it’s time to explode, my body takes over and the deed is done (with great pleasure). Before, it was my mind commanding and ejaculation was always eminent.

Affirmative! The results are positive and ejaculation isn’t as eminent as before. 40 days of SR have been a wonderful experience I would never want to miss but now I want to watch which changes in self-perception I will take with me and perhaps might come along on my farther journey and try to discover something new.

Good vibes to all of you and stay curious!
