What am I experiencing???

Ok so I posted a couple months ago about some progress. I think I have made some more, but I’m not quite sure what I’m experiencing.

I read here somewhere about a “warm up” routine some one tried. Stretching etc. I also perform some harder clenching to start to tire out my muscles some.

I’ve been starting on my side. Just relaxing looking at porn like most do. Eventually I end up turning to my back and over the course of 30 min to an hour a shaking in my pelvic area starts. At the same time I’m concentrating on the aneros and where it’s hitting. I get a wave of pleasure or 2 but it doesn’t seem to last. The shaking builds gradually and starts to get pretty violent at times. All completely involuntary. It’s pretty cool. But I would think I would start getting more intense waves of pleasure at the same time which aren’t occurring. Im enjoying the process and I think I’m getting better at recognizing what I need to do. Today I adjusted the toy some and between the periods of tremors I described earlier and I felt increased pleasure from the toy. I don’t think I had it in the right place before.

I’m trying to assess where I am in the process and see if anyone has any suggestions on where to go from here.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/65z2xu/what_am_i_experiencing/


  1. Sounds like progress! Remember to not expect anything. Its very much a mental game. The traditional male orgasm is very mechanical, but this is very very mental. Just relax, don’t expect, don’t anticipate!

  2. I’m in the same boat. About a month in. Progress is slow, but I keep experiencing something different each time and learning.

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