Helix vs MGX Classic my experience…

I tried my new helix classic yesterday for the first time. I must say it was a huge improvement over my previous experiences with the MGX. While I had some pleasurable sessions, I suspect the MGX was a tad too long and was missing my prostate all together or at least the majority of the time.

With the Helix, within 15 minutes I started experiencing P waves (these only came in passing and were few and far between with the MGX). It’s seemed to have more freedom of movement and I could really feel it moving around. This was the first time I had p waves in succession and the first time that pattern repeated during my session.

I left it in for a long time last night (4hrs or so). While I had a pretty good session Monday with the MGX (and maybe my most productive to date), I think the helix really “awoke” my prostate. Even after removing it and going to sleep, it tingled for hours afterwards. And I’m still getting some residual tingly feelings there this morning.

I really enjoyed the sensations with the helix. I don’t have an agenda for my sessions, but just to lay back and enjoy. The p waves alone were quite pleasurable. The stronger ones seemed to radiate up my body which was great. Maybe I get to a Super O or maybe I don’t, I’m just enjoying the pleasurable sensations I’m getting.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/66p7r0/helix_vs_mgx_classic_my_experience/

1 comment

  1. I’ve had a pretty similar experience, only for me it was the Helix that was slowing down my progress. For many months, I’d get occasional p-waves and then as they would slowly grow more intense, it would feel like the Helix was pressing too hard into my prostate and it would start to feel uncomfortable, rather than pleasurable. It would also leave me feeling kind of sore the 2-3 times I left it in overnight.

    Then I decided to buy the Eupho. While I didn’t start having amazing p-waves right from the first time, I definitely had far more involuntaries, and without that uncomfortable pressure. I could also leave it in all night with no discomfort at all, except a little from the p tab.

    I should also mention, I love how much the Eupho moves, and how light the sensations are.

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