Male Chastity “Boomerang”

I was a little under the weather yesterday so I decided to forgo wearing my “chastity cup” overnight. I actually slept well but still was awakened with an erection. I had several during the night. When I awoke this morning close to 6 AM, I was on my stomach with another erection. As I moved-around slightly on the bed, I had an intense ‘pre-ejaculation’ feeling that I don’t remember feeling before. It it as if my body knew that I was not “chained-up” and ejaculation would be possible. Almost like a sense of an impending wet-dream. This feeling really blew me away! I didn’t stay this way for very long, maybe 5 minutes. I rolled-over and played with my package a little bit and was amazed at the sensitivity of everything. I could easily have ejaculated at that point but I held back.

I think a month of chastity (with only one release) has “primed the semen pump” to the point where I now feel this amazing surge of sexual energy! Maybe I should try this again tonight!

