[x-post from ProstatePlay][Request] [Aneros Alternatives] High quality ABS plastic prostate massagers

Apart from:

Aneros Progasm JR and

Aneros Progasm Ice / Ice Black / Ice Red

**are there any other toys made of high quality ABS plastic with a smooth finish?**

I own a Progasm Ice and Progasm JR and they’re both amazing! However i’d like to add more massagers to my collection. Bigger, smaller… i don’t care. As long as they can provide with different sensations.

Although i like the design of the Eupho classic (because it’s longer and more mobile), i’m hesitant to order it.

I’ve read many reviews regarding the Eupho, MGX and Helix classic (which were made by cheaper plastic) that they have a “rougher” finish and some people have used sandpapers or emery boards to make them smoother. If you have any input regarding this matter, i’d want to hear it.

So, do you have any other suggestions, from another brand?

Please stay on topic. **High quality ABS plastic.** I’m not interested at all in silicon toys.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/6gb0u8/xpost_from_prostateplayrequest_aneros/


  1. I’ve never seen an Aneros products that have “rougher” finish on em. Maybe it’s because I only buy original.

  2. I have Progasm Ice black, Progasm JrProgasm Iceblack, and Helix Classic. The Helix Classic is a white plastic and while smooth, is not the extreme glass like hard black smoothness of the Progasm.

    Quite frankly there is no difference whatsoever once the lube is on them. I find a silicon lube to be warmer, slicker, and longer lasting compared to a water based lube.

    The main difference is the sound when placing them on granite or when they touch together. The Progasm clinks like glass while the Classic sounds more like plastic.

    I also have a Eupho Syn which is the silicon covered model and it is rigid but a bit more soft. However it isn’t compatible with silicon lube so I don’t use it much.

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