AM Male “Spa”

Ah! Summer heat in the Northeast! It will be in the 90s today. I awoke early and just decided that this morning will just be for me. A “Spa Day” if you will. I had slept in my Mueller chastity cup and awoke quite aroused. While still in the cup, I went to lie down on the sofa and listen to some relaxing tracks.

When I felt sufficiently “ready” , I proceeded back upstairs for a prostate session. It has been about a week and I felt in need of some prostate stimulation. So I lubed-up the HIH 950 and I was on my way! I started-out with the typical do-nothing technique, but that didn’t last too long. I began to experience some auto-f contractions after about 10 minutes and things just progressed from there. This session lasted about an hour. The highlight was about three very powerful abdominal contractions (whew! —-I don’t know where these came from.) I finished with about 40 strong-and-hold contractions as recommended by HIH. I don’t think I produced much fluid with this session but it felt so good. I was both erect and flaccid.

After the session was over, the next “stop” at the spa was back down on the sofa where I indulged in a few binaural beats–for prostate, erection, and anal orgasm—a full regimen. I had no intention to ejaculate and I didn’t. But this last stop at the “spa” was just what I needed. I am charged-up and ready to take on the day!

