all movement no feeling?

so I just got the aneros ice prograsm and I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’ve only had it for 2 days. I know I’m still very new to the path to a super-o, but my experience is kind of weird

I’ve watched videos of people having a super-o and stuff. my hips and body movements are similar. I’m having the involuntary hip stirring and shaking. all that fun stuff. except… i dont FEEL anything. I do feel relaxed and warm, and obviously my body is responding but I’m not feeling anything. during my last session I did get a liiiiiittle something… I think??? but mostly I don’t feel much

seems like I’m on the right path but other than warm/tingling how is this supposed to feel? this is nothing like an orgasm. I kinda like doing it but I’m getting no sexual pleasure out of it.




  1. Seems your bodies involuntary reflexes are running ahead of your mind’s ability to keep up. Warm feeling was first thing I felt when I started riding. Thought it would be more pronounced butt it wasn’t, just general nice warmth deep inside. Once I just started relishing this feeling and my enjoying my body responding, not trying or looking for more, the feelings grew and grew until WOW.

    It’s a completely different path to Orgasm, you have to just RELAX and LET GO. Enjoy how you feel and how your body reacts.

  2. Doesn’t your brain decide what happens, not your body? You likely need to focus on the goodness.

  3. I’m also a newbie, but in my limited experience, the types of sensations that I can experience varies a lot between sessions. Sometimes there’s lots of body movements and moaning without any pleasure, sometimes I’m laying completely still but getting very pleasant sensations from the prostate, sometimes my whole body is tingling but I’m feeling nothing else, and so on.

    I remember in the beginning I was in the same situation as you were, my body would just start to shake a lot and it would be nothing but uncomfortable. I think it has to do with your brain being overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. As your brain rewires you should feel less uncomfortable sensations and more pleasant ones. Just treat each of your sessions with the Aneros as a unique experience.

  4. Just relax, the videos are no indication of what you should be doing…just get to know how to move the toy and what the different muscles down there do….the rest will come

  5. I remember first starting and getting “interesting” things with my body. They didn’t really feel that good but it was enough to keep me interested and then slowly over a few months those interesting things started feeling good then really good and eventually orgasmic. Keep at it.

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