The start of a p-wave?

I’ve had my aneros for about a few weeks now, and lately I’ve been experimenting with the “do nothing” approach. Yesterday I managed to have some interesting feelings doing this, I’m wondering if it was the start of a p-wave.

I started by laying on my side with the aneros in, doing some deep breathing exercises. I found that by focusing on the sensation of pressure against my prostate, I could get that feeling to spread, into my perineum and penis. At this point I started to get an erection. That was followed by a feeling of “fullness”, as if the aneros was getting larger inside of me. Then there was a sort of tingling numbness that started in my sphincter and spread to my butt cheeks. It wasn’t exactly a pleasurable feeling, but it was interesting. The whole thing lasted 20-30 seconds at which point I lost focus and the sensations stopped.

So, was this the start of a p-wave?

This feeling happened 2-3 more times, and each time I would lose focus or get too excited after a while and it would stop. Once I tried contracting slightly when it was happening, but that made it stop as well.

So, how can I encourage this feeling to continue building? It seems to me the key is relaxation, every time I would get too excited it would stop.

Anyhow, I wanted to share because I’m excited to be making some progress. I’m starting to enjoy my sessions for what they are, instead of wishing for more.



  1. It sounds like you are making progress. I too am new to this and enjoying some new sensations.

  2. You answered your own question, relaxing is key. If you keep at it, the sensation shouldn’t over excite you and you should have an easy time relaxing.

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