Wet mini-O’s? Is that a thing?

I’ve been practicing on and off. I get to the point where I can feel a slight pleasurable sensation deep inside, and it makes me want to contract/thrust to keep it going. However it eventually goes away. It’ll come back but this is a cycle that feels like it could go on forever. Eventually I’ll stroke myself till I’m hard. Then just play with my balls at which point I can feel the pleasure build and build. It get’s to a plateau that’s really intense, I would say a the sensation of just before a traditional orgasm, then after 30 seconds, I orgasm and start ejaculating. This 30 seconds are bliss and torture at the same time.

I realize that prostate orgasms are usually decoupled from ejaculation. I know common thinking is keep you hands off you’re dick, and i generally follow that but after an hour-ish session it’s time to wrap this up.

I guess I’m looking for input on how to proceed. Do I keep this up keep? Try for an hour then finish essentially hands free? Is there a connection I can make between these, ejaculatory orgasms for ball stimulation to hands free prostate?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/6ukvwv/wet_minios_is_that_a_thing/

1 comment

  1. Interesting technique. You almost decoupled orgasm and ejaculation, butt not quite. Some more relaxing into the ride and you should be able to get there.

    When the urge to contract/thrust cums do you just let go and let body AND mind do there thing or do you hold back a little? Really relax into these sensations and feel the energy/pleasure flow through your body as you ass clenches and you body tenses. While re-wiring best to stay away from cock; when touched the sensations tend to drown out the light p-sensations.

    Later if still going traditional O route, see if can get that 30 sec to stretch longer and longer. Keep edging and relaxing into the feeling. Let it radiate through body and not just up dick. If unable, have a fabulous orgasm!

    Happy Riding!

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