“13 Going on 30?”

Another great session with the HIH 950! I slept in my SD Pro Ultra Carbon chastity “cup” overnight. Of course the nocturnal erections continue unabated and they feel so good through the cup. This session was different from the last one in two ways. First, I experienced many more whole-body shakes and “clenches” around the massager. Second, I experienced more of a “discharge” during the session; later-on, I discovered about a 1/4 teaspoon of “something”—-was it prostate fluid or something else?—inside the cup. And that leads me to the title of this blog: 13 going on 30? Let me explain…….

I am currently in Day 13 of semen retention (SR). That in itself is not unusual for me. But what is unusual is how I feel. I have absolutely NO blue balls or “heaviness” feeling in my testicles. Usually by now, it is only a matter of time before I am forced to ejaculate. But this time, I feel a “lightness”, a “fresh feeling” if you will in my balls. I know it sounds unusual, but my balls feel like it is only Day 1! I honestly don’t know what is going on. Is my body finally adapted to the regimen of semen retention? Is is preparing me for wet dreams? Are my prostate stimulation sessions helping the practice of male chastity as they are supposed to do? All valid questions—-but I don’t know the answers. All I know is that I will continue this SR course as long as possible. Of course, all may end soon enough. But I am prepared to ride-out this run for the long-haul. It is an incredible feeling!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/13-going-on-30/