1. One’s rewiring is either good, bad, or in between. IMO, however the rewiring is, it will more than likely never completely go away. It will either consistently evolve, eventually become stagnant, or may never progress at all. I’ve gone for up to 5-6 months without using an Aneros and I noticed no difference.

    IMO, if one is truly rewired, one would never have dud sessions and one would never plateau. One would never have to use KSMO, binaural beats, hypno tracks, nipple stimulation, or drugs with a proper rewire. IJS

  2. It’s not really “rewiring” per se. Think of it more like muscle memory. The “rewiring” is just you training your body and muscles to acclimate to new stimuli and new patterns of movement.

    I actually quit using my Aneros toys for two or three years after I discovered tits like the Nexus Revo and other automatic prostate toys. But once I decided to give them another try it only took me a couple of sessions to get back into the swing of things.

  3. Rewiring to me is just learning to listen closely to the lower levels of arousal and learning how to build them into a mind blowing super O. It does get easier to orgasm and it does not seem to go away.

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