“Up and Down: Taking A Break”

I have learned with Aneros: you can’t be “up” all the time. You need to take a break once in a while. It’s okay; it doesn’t mean that your body and your sex drive have taken a big hit. It just means that your body is traversing through a prostate “cycle” of arousal, much like a penile arousal that comes and goes, especially at night. I am now in Day 4 of my semen retention and just came-off an incredible 12-Days of SR (ending with a powerful ejaculation). But now that that is over, I need to start-over with a new prostate arousal cycle and it takes time. But that’s okay with me; I needed some “down-time” to myself. Yes, I’m still into male chastity and still sleep in a “rotation” of “chastity cups” — in fact, I recently added two to my collection: a “soft-jock cup” by Shock Doctor (which is nice because I can’t touch my package directly but can “feel” it somewhat through the cup). And another (which I have not yet received) is the XO ProCup supporter. This one is supposed to be “the most comfortable cup you can buy” and I am looking forward to it!
Lesson learned: To all my Aneros “buddies” still striving for a Super-O, take your time, relax, let your body lead you in the direction it wants to go. Even if you have experienced some Super-O’s before (like me), that was well over a year-and-a-half ago. Do I still want to have them? Yes, but I am not going to be disappointed if I don’t. Perhaps my body (and my prostate) are going through a long cycle of arousal. Perhaps I will re-experience that Super-O someday. But if I don’t, I won’t be discouraged. After all, prostate pleasures comes to us in many different ways. Take Aless, for example. There are ways to experience it sans a massager. Once you are in tune with your body, you can make great progress! You can experience a prostate “high” when you want it (even if you are at a “low” in the arousal cycle). Go for it!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/up-and-down-taking-a-break/