“Chastity: A Complete Male Shield”

While sleeping in my SD Ultra Pro “Chastity Cup” , when I awoke this morning, I began to feel its curved, contoured shape with my hands and began to dwell on a nice meditation….


There is a definite similarity between a “chastity cup” and a man-made marvel of nature: for example, Hoover Dam. You may laugh but I see a connection. Let me explain…..

The dam is designed to hold-back a great, powerful body of water. The cup is designed to hold-back the great, male, raw sexual power.

The dam is designed to periodically release some water; otherwise it would overflow. The chastity cup when properly used is designed to allow a male a periodic release of seminal fluid.

An overflowed dam can be compared to a wet dream.

The dam generates power by virtue of it great potential energy. The cup generates power by holding-back that great male libido; raw sexual energy. The greatest power generated can be compared to an ejaculation.

No natural disaster: earthquake, tornado, lightning will destroy the dam. The chastity cup is designed to withstand direct blows without fail. It will not collapse or otherwise fall apart.

See the connection? I did! This made for a great meditation!


Follow-on Morning Session
I was up around 5 AM and nature called early! With this morning’s meditation, I was not feeling too physically aroused. But i was mentally aroused, “clean as a whistle” down there and ready for a session. So I decided to go with the SGX. Not long after the start, I began to experience whole-body shaking and felt it from my fingertips to my toes! I began to lightly moan as well. I knew this would be a good session right away!

What happened next, I was not prepared for. I somehow shifted my focus from the pleasure I was feeling to the actual prostate massager and how it was resting upon my prostate. And when I did that, I began to feel and sense and “see” the massager resting right on my prostate! I could not do anything: breath, slightly move around or even experience my heartbeat without feeling it make contact (however subtle) on my prostate! And it was blowing my mind! I easily could have kept this up for hours, but I didn’t have more than about 45 minutes. Every contraction (regular or reverse) caused an unmistakable, erotic “nudge” on my prostate! I almost couldn’t take it any more!


Lesson learned: Sometimes, just having the Aneros in where it belongs (right next to the prostate) is enough for gentle, yet quite stimulating p-waves to start. And when they do, just “go with the flow”. I didn’t experience any strong erections with this session (or even a Super-O), just the wonderful p-waves from a healthy prostate! I must have done something right, because I now see a wet spot on the inside of the chastity pouch! This is Day 7 of SR; I feel I can go much longer. Time will tell….


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/chastity-a-complete-male-shield/