“Doctor’s Orders”

I am currently in Day 10 of SR and no hint of blue-balls yet. I think that because I am having 1-2 sessions a day for the last 5 days has something to do with reducing the pressure in my system. It seems to be working.


Early AM today, I awoke (wearing my SD soft “cup”) with a strong erection and yes, felt the need for another session. I selected the SGX and am using Slippery Stuff Gel (it contains no glycerin like Boy Butter) and seems not to have any after-effects. I think I’ll continue to use it.

Soon after the start of this session, I have fallen-into a fantasy. This “doctor’s orders” fantasy runs like this: I am in a doctor’s office in a private room, waiting for a prostate procedure to be performed on me. I am instructed to lube-up the SGX, lie back and insert it into my rectum. That’s all the instruction I receive. The only stipulation is that I have to keep it in for at least 45 minutes to an hour. Anything goes during that time. I am told to just relax on the padded bed-like table and wait it out.

Ha! As I progress through the first 10 minutes or so, I begin to squirm around on the bed, trying to find a nice, comfortable position. I couldn’t find one. With every squirm, thrust and contraction, I feel more of a “clenching” feeling in my “preparing” prostate and have no way of minimizing the pleasure-waves. I am starting to moan at one point.

Finally, after about 45 minutes, I am told the time and that I can stop the preparation. This “prep session” is over and I am told to get dressed and wait for the doctor.


Note: This doctor’s “fantasy” sequence comes to me quite often. I think one of the reasons it is so effective is that it allows me to complete relax and put out of my mind any feeling that it is time to stop the session. If I know I have a minimum time limit for the session and must adhere to it, I can more fully relax into the session; whatever happens, happens. I have no “control” over the session; I am just an “observer”, a hapless participant. This is a good technique to practice.

PS After this “prep” session was over, the doctor came in with yet another device he wanted me to use before the procedure. It was a Mangasm Flux prostate masturbator. He told me to strip-down, lubed it up and put in in. I lie-back and try to “relax” for about 5 minutes or so. I felt like I was going to ejaculate and told him so. He said “don’t” and that’s what was expected. Then, he removed it. He said that I am now properly prepared for the procedure. My my!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/doctors-orders/