First Session – I Think I Had a Prostate Orgasm

Hi everyone,

TLDR: is it ok to apply pressure to my prostate via external pressure applied above the base of my cock while using my Aneros?

I finally took the plunge and bought an Aneros yesterday. My local toy shop only had the progasm, which is on the bigger side but I’m accustomed to plugs and D so I figured it was worth the risk.

The Progasm went in with no problem and felt great. I relaxed and tried to work my PC and anal muscles. I had some very good porn playing next to me and just gave into the experience knowing that this was my first time and trying not to have too many expectations.

I stayed soft most of the time (90 mins) and did have several flashes of eye rolling pleasure from my contractions. I was sure to not touch my dick too.

Here’s my question- I applied pressure to my prostate via external pressure right above the base of my dick. This sent me in OVER THE EDGE. I had an incredibly intense orgasm and came buckets without touching my dick. Is this technique ok? Should I avoid this moving forward? I certainly want to get to a truly handsfree MMO capability.

Can’t wait to try more!



  1. As long as it didn’t cause you pain or discomfort, I would assume that what you’re doing is perfectly fine. Congrats on the big O!

    P.S. now that you know what it feels like, you are prepared to go hands free

  2. Wow, all this from your first session? I’m positive there’s something physical that prevents some men from feeling anything. 10 years trying here with nothing close to what you’ve described.

    What’s the definition of insanity again? Doing something over and over expecting a different result?
    Sorry for the negativity… just so frustrated but I am honestly elated that more guys are discovering the prostate!

  3. Got it. So it’s possible to have a ejaculatory prostate orgasm and multiple dry ones? Bc I didn’t touch my dick when I came. It was definitely from prostate stim.

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