“Subtle Movements = Subtle Pleasures”

[Thanks to @RoJackSYN for the inspiration for this “session”]

“It is clear to me where sexual ‘overheating’ and horniness comes from. The penis is always blamed, but the true ‘culprit’ is the root of the penis: The Prostate! am I correct in thinking this?”


I was awake not too early this morning and contemplating doing a session with the MGX or the SGX. But it was getting late and I knew I wouldn’t have the time. So, already mentally ‘aroused’ for a session, I began to perform very subtle PC movements (much more subtle and softer than my usual Aless). And guess what? I began to sense a very, very slight feeling in my prostate. Hard to describe now, but the feeling was unmistakable. And the more I did the movements, I got just the slightest sensation from (you guessed it!) the root of my penis (and my prostate)! Now don’t ask me how I knew—–I just did! You know that sensation you get when you are just starting to get an erection? It was that kind of a feeling, only about 1/10 the intensity. Not enough to cause an erection, but just strong enough to let me know that it could be imminent.


[A comparison I can draw: when you go into a bakery, ever smell a subtle sensation of, say, chocolate-chip cookies? If you can imagine a full-blown Aneros session as “eating cookies” then imagine just “smelling them”! You know what they are and what they will taste like! The same way with Aneros! You know what pleasures you get out of a “regular” Aneros session. Why can’t you get just a “taste” of it Aless?]

I savored these sweet Aless sensations for about 35 minutes or so. I am amazed that there seems to be no minimum “bottoming-out” of the Aless pleasures from the prostate! You just have to be “in-tune” with the feelings. This exercise demonstrated to me that it is not always necessary to have an Aneros massager available to experience the sweet, sublime, erotic sensations from the prostate! But you have to really be “in-tune” with your body and especially your prostate to feel them!

PS Know that I am only in a new Day 2 of SR so these subtle feelings were even softer than normal! But they were still there!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/subtle-movements-subtle-pleasures/