“With Prostate Massage, Sometimes Less Is More”

I know I have been having too many sessions lately. But I awoke about 2 AM with a very powerful erection. I had not been sleeping in a “chastity cup” and caught myself trying to masturbate. So I quickly donned my XO “cup” and went to lie back down. I quickly decided to have another session with the SGX. It never fails to disappoint me and didn’t this time either……


When I quickly lubed it up and inserted it, I got the sensation (almost in fantasy) that I should remain “absolutely still” for as long as possible. That is easier said than done with the SGX. Over the next 20 minutes or so, I was able to remain very still. But the SGX was beginning to stimulate my anal canal and then my prostate to the point that I began to moan softly. I could not remain still much longer. I needed to re-position myself on the bed and try to find a position where I could just relax. I couldn’t find one.


In time (about 35-40 minutes later) I find myself performing very rapid contractions, all the while experiencing erotic P-waves that had me almost in tears. How I went from “very still” to “rapid contractions” is the beauty of the SGX. It somehow knows all the right moves within my male anatomy to the point where it is futile to try to “relax and do my own thing” with it working its magic within me. It can’t be done! When combined with a “chastity cup”, the anal/prostate stimulation combined with no masturbatory access to my package results in a very satisfying, albeit erotic male pleasure-trip that I would want to last forever……

PS I did produce some precum this trip, but didn’t expect much. I was right. I am still amazed at the level of P-waves achieved during this session. So you see, with prostate massage, it is not necessary to have an earth-shattering Super-O every time. Sometimes, less is more!

PS @bobi1990 posted something relevant on the forum which I’d like to mention:

“By the way, although I was quite horny yesterday, I didn’t cum. I didn’t even feel the need to. Normally I would end up a session cumming, but I think it’s better this way, I still feel sexual energy flowing! Sometimes it’s difficult not to cum tho, but I’ll try to separate prostate from penis.”

After all, it seems that is the essential “essence” of Aneros prostate stimulation! Well said!

Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/with-prostate-massage-sometimes-less-is-more/