Not sure if I’m doing this correctly, am I flexing the right muscles and how I can measure progress?

To preface: I’m a gay mid-20 year old guy so I’m very comfortable with anal stimulation and have been exploring how to get more pleasure from my ass/anal sex. I’ve been trying to see if I can use my aneros to have a super-o or prostate orgasm or any of those good things, and I’m not sure really if what I’m doing is the right way. I have a helix and a progasm, and for the most part I use the helix because it’s much more gentle and I like the motion.

When I try the do-nothing method and try to keep myself relaxed I get almost nothing out of it. I do get electric or bee type buzzing sensations from what I think is my prostate but beyond that nothing. I tried light contractions while staying relaxed, that was better but still didn’t get me anywhere really. I heard that a harder clench was what worked for some so one day I tried that, a forceful hold because I also did notice that I had a “zone” where the clenching would cause a type of contraction from itself, if that makes sense. This opened a whole new door for me and I got what I thought were involuntary contractions if I kept trying to hold that more intense spot and the aneros would twitch wildly along with the muscle. The twitching itself feels really good. If I kept doing it I would get an erection and my dick would twitch along with it and that felt even more amazing. It’s as if they become connected in a positive twitching feedback loop. Definitely feels like that riding the edge and almost cumming feeling that I’ve seen described on forums and here. One day it got really intense after abstaining from traditional ejaculation for a while (in search of that elusive super-o) and doing the usual hard clench and dick twitching. I said to myself I’ll commit to this “almost cumming” thing and keep riding the waves. The way the twitching works is that it comes in waves and then when it dies down it’s hard to trigger again for a bit, but when it happens it winds up quickly and is very intense for a while. I stayed with it and rode it a few times during a session and it just kept getting more and more intense like I was edging slightly and slightly closer to cumming each time and then I had a wave where I got a bunch of what would be best described as full body muscular contractions and I think I might have moaned or made some noises (this was before december so it’s hard to remember) and I was biting the bed. It was extremely intense and I remember thinking I had a super-o.

So I think I may have found my light in all this but I’m also a bit unsure about this. It’s extremely easy for me to make this twitching happen by just clenching hard. I’m not sure if I’m doing it right though or if I’m just getting pleasure from like twitching my dick around using the exhausting of these muscles. I’ve noticed that I can trigger this without the aneros in by just doing a kegel. If I hold on tight I get a pleasurable sensation and contractions but nothing on the level of the aneros but definitely similar in style just very reduced, so that’s why I’m a little suspicious if this is just psychosomatic or something. I’ve heard of the whole A-less thing described on the forums where you can trigger this without the aneros in, so maybe it could be that? Is there any way to check or measure myself in terms of how along the path I am?

I guess I’m also asking because this seems against most of the common advice of relaxing and just letting it happen. I can start this process as soon as I put it in by just clenching, which also seems against the majority of experiences I’ve read about. Part of me though thinks that this could be a product of my experiences because I have had a lot of experience with anal, so maybe my relaxed is too relaxed?

I just don’t know and would like some advice if anyone has any. Sorry for the rambling post. Basically

**TL;DR: I use a hard clench which triggers twitching and pleasurable sensations quickly which also causes dick twitches. I’m not sure if I’m getting off through prostate stimulation or through dick stimulation from the muscle twitching and thinking it’s prostate stimulation. How can I know and how can I measure my progress with the aneros?**


1 comment

  1. Two flexes to be primarily concerned with.
    One that you use to start/stop the flow of urine when you pee. The other your anal sphincter. Practice isolating those and then alternating between the two. You’ll thank me when you’ve mastered this.

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