“…And Hold On Tight!”

I think I had my first Super-O with the SGX! Here goes……

I awoke about 12:30 AM with a moderate erection. Went to the bathroom (#1 only). Decided to do a session with the SGX (since it was next in the rotation). I put on my XO “chastity cup”, put the waterproof paper pad beneath me, lubed-up and started the session. One think I noticed right away is that the last inch “pull-in” of the SGX seemed especially strong, like it knew where it was going and what it was going to do. I couldn’t possibly predict what happened next…..


Within the first 2 or 3 minutes, I began to experience the familiar “auto-f**k” contractions. I have experienced them many times before. But something about these contractions seemed different. For one thing, I couldn’t stop them! I mean that most sincerely! They were strong and plentiful. They were regular and quick, like a “crazed” pendulum clock. Occasionally, there were some extremely strong “pull-in” contractions as well. Auto-kegels and reverse-kegels. I began to moan; I remember saying (or thinking) “NO!” “NO!” “STOP IT!” but to no avail. I began shaking violently on the bed. I “sensed” a color wheel in my head, a tingling feeling up my spine. For a while, I honestly didn’t know who I was, where I was or what I was doing…..Was I doing prostate stim? I couldn’t tell you…..


And the next thing I knew, I was back in my bed, ready to end this incredible journey! How much time elapsed in this session? I glanced as the cIock; it was about 30 minutes later. I can’t account for all that time in what I was experiencing. I now feel slightly weak and still can’t believe what just happened!

PS My prostate does not feel the least bit sore. I did expel quite a bit of precum in the cup pouch.


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/and-hold-on-tight/