“Ready Or Not, Here They Come….”

Who are “they”? you may ask…. Here is the answer….

“They” are night-time erections (technically called Nocturnal Penile Tumescence) and all healthy guys (without ED) get them. Since I usually sleep in a “chastity cup”, I can sometimes be awakened by these erections. I usually can feel them coming on if I am awakened; I will get a strange “tingling” feeling in my cock and it is only a matter of time (only a minute or two) before a strong erection ensues. I can’t stop them (neither can you!)

I find that wearing a “cup” to bed helps me to avoid masturbating or playing with my junk. Sometimes, that can lead me to an ejaculation which I try to avoid while in chastity.


An interesting side-note: I had a “quick” session about 10 PM last night that lasted only about 20 minutes. Afterwards, following nice p-waves, things really settled-down and I was completely flaccid and unaroused. I began to ponder: when will I get my next night-time erection? Will I get one at all? So I settled-in for the night. Sure enough, I don’t know how much time passed (perhaps 2 hours later) I awoke with that “tingling”, strange feeling in my cock. And sure enough, within a short minute or two, I had a full erection, one which I could not control nor could I discourage. It had to happen.

These night-time erections can easily lead me into an Aneros session if I desire. If not, I will just let them happen and eventually they will pass. While in a “chastity cup”, the erection feels so good! With some squirming on the bed, I can stimulate the glans of my cock and feel like I could be headed for an ejaculation! But usually, all I get is a little precum!

Boy, it’s great to be a male!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/ready-or-not-here-they-come/