anyone having erection quality issues after using this?

I am having some erection problems which timing wise started around the same time of my use of the aneros. I am not blaming anyone/anything just trying to figure out what is happening. I used it and had two HFWO. I have had a hard time getting and staying hard. It may be unrelated but I wanted to see, trying to figure out what may be happening. Thanks



  1. HAHA! Another bites the dust! You’re not alone and you prove an extremely point. The same happened to me 5 months into my journey. ED drugs didn’t even help. It took about another 6 months of intense self abuse (penile masturbation) to get back to proper erections.

    Were I you, I’d be like Michael Jackson and just beat it. You may want to start masturbating to conclusion on a regular basis. IMO, the penis denial soliloquy is rubbish. You are @ the 5th person that’s posted about this malady.

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