I was thinking about this in bed this morning and so I decided to expand on it…..
Since I practice “male chastity” almost all the time now by wearing a “chastity cup” to bed, it makes sense that I should also be “chaste” in my use of Aneros prostate massagers. I had a nasty bout of “blue-balls” recently due to almost daily Aneros use and, although I like the sessions and how they feel, I didn’t like the after-effects on my body. Hence, perhaps it is time to integrate Aneros “chastity” with my male “chastity”. Would I be able to do this? Let me look into this further…..
When engaged in male chastity, I have no control over my ejaculations if I am “true” to the spirit of the “cup” controlling them. However, when it comes to Aneros massages, it is my CHOICE to have a session, just by reaching into my drawer and selecting the device of choice and some lube. A quick application of lube, insertion and the session has begun! A simple case of mind over matter!
Not so fast! This “session on demand” is what I am trying to break-away from; it is almost like an addiction, no? What will be the effects of going “cold turkey” from the sessions? (or at least coordinating them with my regular ejaculations when released from chastity?)
I know the feeling to be “prostate horny” and it can be pretty intense. But will “Aneros chastity” also ramp-up my sessions’ outcome significantly? Will it yield more Dry-Os? Perhaps a Super-O? Is this an experiment I am willing to try? I know it won’t be easy and I may “cheat”. But I think I’ll try it. After all, before Aneros, I really didn’t partake in any prostate or anal pleasure. But since I know now that every erection involves the nerves around the prostate, and every ejaculation must involve the prostate, I will be constantly reminded of the great pleasure to be had by an Aneros session! Sort-of like savoring a nice glass of wine! Touche’!
PS I just realized that I would be “forcing” a Super-T or perhaps a HFWO in every session with this combination of male chastity and Aneros chastity. Intriguing and stimulating!
PS I had a dream this morning that involved a naked woman in bed with me. Could this imply a wet dream is nearby?
Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/aneros-chastity-combined-with-male-chastity/