ED “Cure” In The Future: A Sexual Fantasy

My! This fantasy really was wild! Let me explain it….

I wore my XO ProCup “chastity cup” overnight. I am now in Day 10 of SR with absolutely no signs yet of blue-balls. So I’m continuing the journey. But it isn’t getting any easier as I will relate this fantasy as it happened….


I awoke about 4 AM with an erection; nothing new here. I went to urinate and then returned to bed, still hard in the cup. As I tried to get back to sleep, my erection didn’t start to subside as it usually does. Instead, it got stronger and stronger. Before long, I realized that I had fallen-into a fantasy. Here it is as best as I can remember….


It is about 40 years in the future! I am having some difficulties with ED and decided to make an appointment with my urologist. I do and he sees me in his office. We talk for a while about my “problem” and he tells me quite openly: “We solved the ED problem years ago!” “What do you mean, doctor?” I asked. He told me that they developed a unique combination of ED-relief meds that have proven to be almost 100% effective for men with my condition. One is a fast-acting version of Viagra and the other stimulates the brain for sexual arousal. Together, they work fast and dissipate just as fast. “There won’t be any after-effects. I would like you to try it”. “But I want to caution you that they are indeed very powerful and I want to make sure that you can ‘tolerate’ them. They work pretty fast (within about 15 minutes or so) and you will become very aroused. Are you willing to try it?”

“Of course, doctor!” I said.

“Okay, then. Here they are”. (he hands me the pills and a glass of water. “After you take them, I want you to go lie-down in this room for a while.” (It is set-up like a small bedroom with a single bed). I take them, lie-down and he turns-down the lights and closes the door. I wait a short while.


Oh my! My erection now seems to be getting stronger. A lot stronger! And again stronger! I still am wearing my ProCup and my erect penis is trying to push its way through! I am starting to get a strange feeling all-over from my spine down to my toes and especially my prostate! I need to ejaculate and feel that my body is preparing me for a pseudo wet-dream! I am “ready” to cum”!


I am lying there in the bed and my brain can think of nothing else but sex and ejaculating! What a feeling! I am lying there almost in suspended-animation in a perpetual sexually-aroused state that will never end and it feels absolutely amazing! (I have taken Cialis before but this easily tops that experience!) Any strong thrusting movement of my penis and I will surely ejaculate! I have no clue where this is going to end! Will I wet the bed?


Some time passes (perhaps 15-20 minutes) and I feel my erection slowly starting to subside; I didn’t ejaculate. My brain is returning to earth. That all-over arousal sensation is leaving me. I feel great! The doctor was right! It has been a wild-ride! It is 2018 or 2058?

PS I am thinking now: Is my brain/body preparing me for a wet dream? Can I last more days of SR, thus moving ahead towards an eventual release? Can I possibly endure any more arousal without ejaculating? Intriguing…


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/ed-cure-in-the-future-a-sexual-fantasy/