Newbie here with unsuccessful first attempt. What did I do wrong?

Ordered the Helix Trident when it went on sale and gave it a shot this weekend to no avail. I put it in and to be honest didn’t feel much. I ended up masterbating with it in and definitely had a more pleasurable ejaculation with the prostate stimulation, but I felt like there was NO way I would have been able to achieve the Super O if I kept waiting.

I was thinking about not masurbating this week (I usually do every day) to enlarge he prostate a bit this weekend and give it a go. What are some things I should be expecting to do to make it work? Turn off the ligjts? Close my eyes and think about something relaxing? Any advice or input appreciated!



  1. 99% of the time, nothing is going to happen the first time someone tries. There are plenty of guides and advice on here I suggest sorting by top/all. It can take weeks or months or years but the usual advice you’ll get is to not try so hard and not to expect anything but to pay attention to what you feel and enjoy it in the moment. The difference from the first time to about a month later was huge for me so don’t get discouraged.

  2. The first thing you should do is eliminate all expectations on what you’re going to feel. If you expect it to magically work on your first couple tries, are you in for disappointment. It’s a journey. I would recommend registering on the aneros forums and reading the beginners guides there such as [this]( and [this]( and the wiki.

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