Considering getting one of these but would greatly appreciate some recommendations

I’ve had a few HFWOs with a fairly large dildo and while that was fun and enjoyable in it’s own way, it’s nothing like the super-o I’ve seen described. I’ve played around with a few prostate specific toys and had some enjoyable experiences (mostly just really powerful orgasms from traditional masturbating). I’d given the hands free flex thang a few good ol college tries, but the keagles where pretty exhausting to the point of being mostly unenjoyable. Maybe I was trying to hard with the wrong toy though as the one I use is much heavier and metal and nothing like an aneros design wise. I was considering a Maximus or Progasm but didn’t know if those were good jumping off points. I liked the idea of the Eupho because I really enjoy long deep motions but it doesn’t appear to be a great first time toy from everything I’ve read and that put me off to it. Plus it’s said to be the smallest toy and I think Id enjoy a more fuller experience but I’m not sure as I’ve never really had a super-o. I’ve read a lot of guys with previous butt stuff experience found the helix disappointing and small and I share those concerns as it’s a pretty hefty price tag for what it is. Also, minor note, I’d considered just cutting out the keagles and getting one of those industrial blenders I mean giant prostate twirly vibrator ones.

Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated!



  1. Size matters not.

    Well it does, but only sort of. The aneros has to hit your prostate and that’s it. Even if you like a bigger toy otherwise, any aneros should hit the spot. Smaller ones like the Eupho have more movement, bigger ones have less but press harder. I have all of them and they all feel a little different. From what I’ve read, the MGX and Helix are the easiest to achieve the super-o with, but if you want a big toy, the Maximus won’t let you down either.

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