“This Fantasy Was Totally Prehistoric!”

[Note: graphic descriptions; readers be advised]

While in bed wearing my Shock Doctor Ultra Pro Carbon “chastity cup” I fell-into a most unusual fantasy. Where this came from, I do not know. But it was vivid and seemed very real. So I’ll relate it here as best as I can remember….


While in bed and awake in the early morning hours, I did not have an erection. Having just experienced a “wet dream” the night before, I really don’t think I will be ejaculating again anytime soon. I am currently in Day 13 of SR and feeling great! My “blue-balls” seem to be a distant memory for me now. Following the wet dream, I had an unusual feeling down in my groin for the rest of the day. Perhaps this is normal; I felt an overall “Aless” feeling in my entire ejaculatory system and for a while almost had what I could describe as “half-an-erection” and an “electric” feeling down-there. Things finally settled down by evening.

Anyway, back to the fantasy…..

Since the SD “chastity cup” keeps my package secure and out of reach of my curious hands, I began to fondle and caress the only part of my male sexual anatomy that was exposed: the perineum and thus access to the prostate externally. When I began to stroke, press and caress my prostate from the outside thus, I experienced a most unusual sexual fantasy. Here it is.


My wife and I are participants in a university study whereby the graduate students are studying the mating habits of prehistoric men and women. Their theory is that the male prostate gland, since it can be stimulated by external massage, played a more vital role in the sexual union of prehistoric people and they wanted to collect some data to support this theory.

We “qualified” for this study because I have experienced a recent wet dream and only those men qualified since it was implicitly understood that their sexual “functioning” is normal for erection, stimulation and ejaculation. We were instructed to sleep together one or more nights (at our discretion). The male (me) was instructed to wear a “cup jockstrap” to bed at night so that neither he nor his wife could “play” with his penis. The only thing that the female (my wife) could do was play-around with the male’s prostate from the outside only. The theory, if correct, is that the male prostate gland is located where it is (with easy external access) to enable the male to get sexually aroused to the point where he would experience an erection and thus start the sexual response “cycle” ending in penetration of the female and subsequent ejaculation. In prehistoric times, language was virtually non-existent as we have today and communication (it is theorized) was by means of pictures and other visual cues. For prehistoric people, communication (especially sexual communication) also was by way of touch. And it was theorized that prehistoric males could not just approach a female sexually for intercourse. She would cast him away immediately (much the same as today!)

So, interpersonal and sexual “communication” between males and females had to be experienced through touch. Much as our modern-day “foreplay”, the prehistoric men and women had to “explore” each others’ bodies and the males’ access to his prostate (externally) provided the mechanism for his arousal and ultimate sexual union with the female. That is the basis of the theory.


Did it work? In a nutshell, yes! Since the nerves surrounding the prostate gland are responsible for erection, it follow that the prostate gland in males is responsible for his sexual response and ultimate continuation of the species. [It is known today that prostate surgery can interfere with these nerves and cause various erectile dysfunction (ED) symptoms. In extreme cases, the male is unable to achieve an erection at all.]

While lying there, I experienced a rapid and sexually-satisfying erection through external prostate stimulation alone by my wife. We were allowed to continue this for as long as I could endure, but I could not touch my penis or otherwise ejaculate. I felt extreme pleasure from this brief period of external prostate massage. I was getting very aroused and couldn’t take any more. (I “proved” the theory!)

We could “repeat” this another night or two to validate our findings; but I know now that the students’ theory was perfectly sound! As a benefit, my prostate now is “tingling” with pleasure! I have a greater appreciation for our ancestor’s sexual behavior! And the prostate gland stands front-and-center in our sexuality! [Is there any doubt about this, fellow Aneros friends?]

A fascinating fantasy! How much of it could be real? Ah, a compelling thought!

PS History buffs: can you imagine living in prehistoric times? What would your “sex life” be like back then? Intriguing thought!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/this-fantasy-was-totally-prehistoric/