“I Fell Off The Bridge To Tranquility!”

Sorry guys! I had every intention to walk across the “Bridge To Tranquility” again as I had recently done in a past session. But the SGX had other things in store for me. Here is the story….


Having just had a wet dream a couple nights ago, I’m not sure if I’m at Day 2 (again) or Day 14! I’d like to think that since my wet dream ejaculation was not planned, that I am at Day 14 of semen retention. So I’ll take it and move on!

I have noticed less intensity in my night-time erections lately. Perhaps that is due to the wet dream. It makes sense. I feel like I am now in uncharted waters as far as my sexuality is concerned. I have not traveled this path before.


I awoke about 4 AM with a moderate arousal and erection and I decided to have a nice, relaxing session with the SGX. I wanted to explore more the “bridge to tranquility” as I recently discovered. I lubed-up, inserted it and began to deeply relax. I imagined a large, black pool of water which I would soon immerse myself in. Since it was black, I could not see a thing around me. There would be no distractions and I would be able to relax completely into a mysterious “meditation” : just me and my Aneros SGX.

Well! It wasn’t too long after I started that I realized that I had fallen-off the bridge and into a pool of erotic bliss! I would not be able to climb onto it again during this session! I had every intention to find another way back to the “path to tranquility” again, but the SGX just wouldn’t let me do it! I experienced subtle anal contractions at first, then stronger auto-contractions then stronger still “clenches” from deep inside. The SGX actually had me close to tears! Such a sweet, insistent pleasure that I could not control nor stop. I did not think my prostate was “full” enough after the wet dream to elicit such wonderful sensations! I was wrong!


I was surprised to see that about 35 minutes had passed while in this blissful state; I decided to end this session. I was not too surprised when I looked inside the SafeTGard “chastity cup”: there was not a drop of anything (precum, prostate fluid, nothing!)

I am completely dumbfounded that the little SGX could take hold of me and actually throw me off the “bridge to tranquility”!

PS It feels wonderful to be at Day 14 of SR with no blue-balls! I have not felt this way in a long time. At the rate I’m going, and if there is another wet dream in store for me, I think I could easily see Day 30!

PS I don’t know all the details yet, but I feel that something “happened” to my ejaculatory system since the wet dream. Kind of hard to pin-down, but it seems similar to the feeling you get when you are finally “re-wired” from Aneros use. I have crossed-over to an area of my sexuality I have never been before (except perhaps following my first “puberty” wet dreams when I was perhaps 12 or 13 years old)! There is an element of satisfaction in the achievement of a wet dream. It seems that a lot of that “frustration” of not having a wet dream is greatly diminished and I am able to explore my sexuality in a new way.


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/i-fell-off-the-bridge-to-tranquility/