“Another Quick Way To Boost Arousal”

Here is another simple and quick way I “discovered” that will help to boost arousal. This tip is intended for those guys like myself who wear “chastity cups”.


While wearing a male “chastity cup”, just take the leg straps and move them closer-in towards the center crack. This will help to keep the “cup” in place so that it cannot easily be moved by hand. This accentuates the “helpless” feeling while wearing the chastity cup. It will also put more pressure on the perineum and, indirectly, the prostate. The combination of pressure and additional confinement will (at least for me) significantly boost my arousal while in chastity. This creates an entirely new “feeling” while wearing the cup! (Of course, the straps have to be moved farther apart prior to a session!)


I could have easily had another session this morning; I would have selected the Helix Trident. But I decided to postpone that session perhaps until tonight. I am currently in Day 7 of SR and my testosterone level is rising; I feel it! I want to masturbate and ejaculate so badly! I want to cum! I need my chastity cup!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/another-quick-way-to-boost-arousal/