I slept in my very comfortable XO “chastity cup” overnight and awoke about 4 AM. I had to visit the lavatory and when I finished, I found that the perfect time for a quick session. I selected the HIH 950 again. I am currently in Day 8 of SR and, thankfully, do not have any blue-balls feeling yet! I find that virtually all of my sessions lately are good ones. With extended days without an ejaculation, I feel that the massagers are trying their hardest to make me ejaculate, one way or another. This morning’s session was no different.
I am lying in bed, generally moaning and squirming around. I developed a firm erection almost immediately and it stayed firm for almost the entire session (about 25 minutes’ worth). Towards the end, I felt compelled to remove everything (cup and PJ bottoms) and observed a nice flow of precum. I could have easily finished the job. But I held back…..Why?
What is it about holding back an ejaculation while in semen retention? What is its power? Is it that with the EJ comes a refractory period? A sudden diminishing of sexual “readiness”? Perhaps it is all of this and more. Yes, ejaculations represent our very essence of maleness. Holding the EJ back is like a dam which holds back tons and tons of water. Of course, the water has to be released sometime, somehow. Otherwise, a flood would ensue. Plus, no power would ever be generated. I believe it is the same way with ejaculations. We need to “release” our semen, if only occasionally. Those of us who regularly practice semen retention know the dynamics. There seems to be greater power with every “release”. And with that release, comes the potential for yet another powerful release at a later time. The EJ cycle continues…..
So, after all of this, I am back where I started! Horny as hell with a male “tool” ready for action! But the prize is yet to be won! The pressure continues to build. I’ll just have to wait it out another day! But if I wait too long, I’ll be tempting a wet dream!
Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/still-yearning-for-an-ejaculation-this-mornings-session-still-didnt-bring-it/