Wrong Aneros? No pleasure feeling? doesn’t feel any pleasure

Recently I bought a new Helix trident, I bought it cuz I’m a beginner user (what the review, forum said what beginner should buy) But I when I use Helix and I didn’t much pleasure feeling ? I can feel its rubbing my Prostate but the pleasure is very little when I contracted, can someone guide me? Thx

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/8pztz2/wrong_aneros_no_pleasure_feeling_doesnt_feel_any/


  1. I found that the good feelings come around when I hold my pelvic muscles in a position that allows the aneros to “fall off” the prostate, not just press on. If it’s only ever a press-on, I’m not getting the motions on my prostate that are stimulating. It is tricky and took me a while to figure out. When I have the right pressure, my prostate feels squishy. When it’s aroused it gets a but stiffer.

  2. It took me several attempted sessions and about a year before I finally made progress on a Super-O. Don’t worry and keep trying. The best description of the muscle movement that works best *for me* is a “half-kegel,” whenever I try a full kegel with my MGX in the tabs pinch into my taint, and it’s distracting. You need to also get yourself really worked up and horny.

    Touching yourself in places besides your genitals can help get in the right mood. Not ejaculating for a few days will also help, as will a little weed if you’re into that. I have a routine that works very well and delivers fairly consistent results without taking a lot of time. I would actually be really interested to see if it works on another guy. I’ve been wanting to try it with my boyfriend, but I’ve only tried it on myself so far and I would feel stupid if it did nothing for him.

    Send me a PM if you’re interested and don’t mind investing in at least one other toy.

  3. I’m appraching 4 years of Aneros use and still no orgasms.

    It will take time! Please be patient.

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