Many Aneros guys are practicing semen retention (SR) these days. I have been too for probably longer than a year now. I keep track of my SR “days” on a calendar; that way, I can determine how long it’s been since I last ejaculated and when I may be due for one.
I was looking for some “reference ” info. on SR this morning online and came across this interesting “article”. I didn’t see an author, so I’ll present it as it was written. I found it to be informative and very pertinent even to my practice of SR. Here it is….
“Cold Turkey?”
“The last point I’d like to make is to think about how to approach semen retention. I know many men that, when they first learn about this and are convinced of its importance, decide to never cum ever again, from there on. 99% of them make it for one week or one month, and then through a moment of weakness or mistakenly getting to close to the point, ejaculate.
This fills them with shame, remorse, and a determination to do better next time, which starts a cycle of self-flagellation continues until the eventual mastery or completely abandoning the practice out of a sense of defeat. I know this by my own experience in fact.
What I wish someone had told me, and I suggest now to others – is to slowly wean oneself off of this habit. Remember – our bodies are biologically programmed to ejaculate. We are culturally conditioned to ejaculate. And we have been training our bodies to cum since we first learned to masturbate, however many years ago that was. This are incredible forces that we are up against! So the method I suggest is the following:
1. Choose a target number of days that seems easily doable to not ejaculate. Perhaps 3-7. Cultivate your willpower during those days, practice sublimation* and edging, but do not cum.
2. When you have reached the chosen number, then actively choose to ejaculate. Do so consciously. Pay attention to the experience. Notice the pleasure, notice the thoughts directly before and afterwards. Bring awareness to your energy levels, emotional and mental states directly afterwards and for the next few days.
3. Repeat the process, choosing a slightly more difficult benchmark. If first you chose 3 days, now try 7. If first it was one week, now do two.
Continue this cycle, each time allowing yourself to consciously ejaculate, with awareness, and each time then lengthening the time in between. Eventually, one will know, in the bones, that ejaculation is not helpful, not healthy. No longer is one just basing this on what others have experienced and shared, but is deeply felt and understood. At this point the deep craving for this emptying will start to fall away.”
[*”Sexual sublimation, also known as sexual transmutation, is the act, especially among some religious traditions, to transform sexual impulses or “sexual energy” into creative energy. In this context, sublimation is the transference of sexual energy, or libido, into a physical act or a different emotion in order to avoid confrontation with the sexual urge, which is itself contrary to the individual’s belief or ascribed religious belief. It is based on the idea that “sexual energy” can be used to create a spiritual nature which in turn can create more sensual works, instead of one’s sexuality being unleashed “raw””].
PS I myself have not yet “mastered” the art of semen retention. Unfortunately, my best-laid plans for SR are usually thwarted by the dreaded “blue-balls” syndrome! My SR “numbers”: 26 days no-ejaculation; 12 days to a wet dream; pick-a-number in between these two, that is my current maximum “number”. Do I want to go longer? Of course I do! But I’ll remain on the SR path indefinitely!