1. Going by what others have told me, you might be having issues because you are talking about a metaphorical “edge”. With traditional penile orgasms, we go to an edge or point of no return before having an orgasm. But with prostate play, there is no edge. It simply continues to grow. You have to learn to really enjoy what you are feeling and sort of relax into the pleasure and let it build.

    Only very recently have I been able to somewhat understand what this means but cannot fully explain it. Only when objectively looking at my reactions and mind state did i realize I was already in orgasm, but its different from penile traditional orgasm. After realizing that i was indeed feeling pleasure and orgasm, I just let the feeling flow and grow.

  2. Weed is more effective in helping get over the edge. Give that a go first if you’ve not done so already. Then add the mdma later for shits and grins

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